I think that I am obsessed with applying.
Or terrified of not having a job.
Justin and I went to The Cup yesterday after lunch to get some coffee and hot chocolate, and I got to talk to the new manager for a bit.
She told me (as Victor has before), I am always welcome back. Which is comforting to know. :)
I can't wait for people to get back to Atlanta, and back on campus. It is painfully dull here.
Really though.
It is not like an Oglethorpe summer. I like Oglethorpe summers. Just a few select people around. You hang out with people you normally don't because your main group of friends, security blankets, are not around.
And it is lovely. You get closer to people you would never expect and have the time to do so much more.
All that being said, Oglethorpe winter break is not like an Oglethorpe summer.
There is no one here. Offices are closed (except EF), I explored last week when it was so incredibly dull. That was nice. I would like to do that again. Maybe I will. :)
Ahhh, which reminds me! I have not posted about Christmas yet! It was FANTASTIC. Justin's family is absolutely wonderful. We watched "It's a wonderful life" with Justin's dad on Christmas eve, and "Arthur Christmas" with his whole family on Christmas day.
Yall, Justin is Arthur Santa (the main character). Really. This kid can't ride a bike, and is so happy, and haha the interactions with his family is what killed me! He even asked his family to play a board game...which is so Justin. I died!
I also got some of the nicest gifts! I have a purple blanket that I am absolutely in love with and boots! Boots that actually fit me! I have worn them everyday! :D Justin's family seemed to like their gifts from me too, which was very exciting. :)
They were so good to me.
So, that is it. All is good in my life, and if a little boredom is my biggest gripe, then I don't have much to worry about.
AND, as promised, Murder Mystery and Thanksgiving Pictures! :)
Me and Hillary <3
Tes, and her Turkey. And Hillary, photobomb.
by two best friends in the entire world. My heart. <3
My favorite giraffe, Peanut.
Murder Mystery
Justin, me, and one of the Murder Mystery Actresses
I love this picture! What a fun night!!
Happy Life.