Sunday, May 27, 2012

...cuddling my puppy

So today I woke up entirely too late...but woke up deciding I wanted to explore. So, I called Brooke and we headed to Piedmont Park. Good idea? yeah, except there is a festival going on at the park and parking is nearly impossible and costs an arm and a leg. So instead we go to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, something I would have never thought to just do...but it was so fun! They had rooms to mimic various climates, so today I went to the Rain Forest, the Dessert, and more! Scratching that off my Atlanta Bucket list. That actually got me thinking, I need to make an Atlanta Bucket list. This being my senior year, this may be my last year in the ATL and there is a lot I still have not seen and explored, Atlanta staples. So that is my goal, make and Atlanta List and start checking things off, actually LIVE in the city. :)

Anyway, after the gardens we headed back to have burgers with Leah. While we were making food, I get a sad call from my dad. Our dog Jack passed away today. :( We have had Jackie for about 11 years (I think) and was going home in a week and a half, I wish he could have made it until then. Its ok though, he lived a long happy life, but I am sad that I won't get another chance to cuddle with my Jackie-boy. (I tried to find a picture of him for the post...but I could not find one) 

Other than hearing about Jack, today was such a good day and so much fun. I also got to talk to my Mamaw today and she almost immediately knew who I was and as usual she asked when I would be home. I told her soon, but I really do mean it this time. Justin and I are taking a day trip to Macon next week to surprise Mamaw for her 97th birthday and to explore home and visit with people. :) I am really excited to be with my family and visit Macon. 

Now, I am ending the night with my favorite show (Criminal Minds!) and skype chatting Maggie. 
Perfect Sunday. 

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