I feel like I did everything in the world today.
Check it. I worked in Res Life for most of the day, finished and sent off my scholarship application, had a meeting, went out to lunch, worked out for an hour, created a linked in profile (connect with me...I think that is the terminology), cooked dinner and drank some tea.
Ok, maybe not everything, but for some reason, I feel like I accomplished a lot.
I think it has something to do with being up and doing things at 9am. That is a grown up time, and waking up early really does add more hours to the day.
Except I work tomorrow, 2 to close at The Cup. And I hope morning Janet does not try to sleep in until noon, taking away most of my day. That has happened.
I think I am finally getting my first paycheck for the summer! Yay for savings and starting to budget. Uh, that will be the hard part, saving money and sticking to a budget. There are just so many fun summer things that, in the moment, seem so worth it.
But I have school loans to pay off, and I need to be able to have a sustainable life after college. AND I do not want to have all the fun now, only to not later because I have not saved any money for these loans.
I just want to be successful so bad, have a good life.
I have to remember that everytime I pull out my debit card to go to dinner or get someone a present. I just love buying people presents. I really really do.
For now though, I need to go to sleep. Work tomorrow, and I don't want snooze-button-prone morning Janet to steal away my day.
It feels like it has been forever since I sold some cupcakes. But, I return to my cupcake sales woman life for the weekend. So stop in for a cupcake or some coffee!
short, sleepy rambles. bed-by-1am rambles. Hopefully, wake-up-before-11am rambles.
happy sleep.
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