Being awake is going to drive me crazy.
The longer I am awake, the more restless I get.
But, at least I cleaned my room.
Being anxious helps me clean. And the common room is clean too. The good thing is, at least it was not mop the floors or clean the bathroom levels of restlessness. Just enough tension that I could not sleep and the sight of my messy room drove me into a cleaning frenzy.
I have a tendency to blow things out of proportion, even how anxious I am feeling. Ha, I blow them so out of proportion that I write a blog about them and elaborate on how restlessness turns me into Mr. Clean.
It is 2:30, I have a meeting at 9:30, but I am not sleepy anymore. Funny how you can go from almost being asleep to not being able to even relax or cut off the light.
And, in my cleaning, I misplaced my remote, which makes staying up harder. haha, funny....
Maybe a blog entry will calm my nerves (they are good for that), and then I can find the remote, put Adult Swim on mute and fall asleep.
In other news, today was pretty wonderful.
I worked at my last opening day at The Cup. I still have one more day, but I am closing that day...
Anyway, things went smoothly. I still get pretty nervous about the alarm since I set it off last week, but no more mishaps yet, and so long as things go smoothly on Thursday, then I am golden. I think I can do it. :)
Today the owner was in town, so at first, the day was stressful. I had a lot to do to get the store looking in tip top shape, or shape that my boss would approve of (and that is the tip of the top). While getting ready, a woman called, told me her drama of getting her 4 year old's cupcakes ready for her birthday party today, and basically said we were the only place in town selling cupcakes on Sunday. They wanted pink ones, so with permission from my boss, I scraped the rainbow sprinkles off the vanilla cupcakes and got to work trying to make presentable pink cupcakes. Cupcakes that The Cup would be proud of.
I did not do half bad. They were actually kind of cute. Nothing compared to the other cupcakes in the store, but plenty good enough for a Barista's work and a couple in a bind. When the husband came in to get them, he was so thankful that I got a $10 tip! My largest tip ever. And, now I can officially say that I have decorated the cupcakes.
Then I came home, did nothing for a while and took a long nap. It was well deserved and needed. At least from this vantage point.
After that, I went out for dinner and had such a good time. :) And ran in to some OU alums, which is always nice.
Now I am tired. Still a bit restless, but I was able to refrain from cleaning long enough to write this post, so I think I can be still long enough to go to sleep. Besides, without quarters or waking up my suite mates with the vacuum, there is not much more I can clean.
I guess I could pack, summer moving is soon...but I think I will try to sleep while my eyelids are getting heavy.
Good night.
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