Friday, November 2, 2012

...with my Great Dane

So, for those of you who don't know I have very slowly (and in spurts) been working on losing weight and eating healthy.

My attention span has kept it in waves, but at the very least even when I fell off the band wagon I would maintain or only gain about 3lbs before I was back on it again.

This last fall off was way different. Before I fell out of it, I was at my record lowest (since HS), I also was below my drivers license weight for the first time (and I am pretty sure I under estimated there). AND I had a goal, still be under a certain weight to go skydiving with Justin.
Well, with a vacation to Florida, Vegas, and really loss of will power on my part, I did not do good, in fact, I did horible.

When I stepped on the scale, I was a good 6lbs above where I needed to be to go. I cried.

So, I decided winging it was not going to work and back to counting calories. (I use lose it, add me! Let me tell you, counting calories is much easier if you have a smart phone and don't have to whip out your computer to look up information in a restaurant.

Thankfully when I am out with Justin or Tes, they look it up, and when I am out with others, they text back quickly. :) (best friends yall).

Side note: all I want in my life is to live in New York, or (now Boston and work for EF corporately ..but, you know) and share this adorable little apartment, you know like the cute one's in Midtown, with Tes and Justin. Then Tes and I will go to all sorts of festivals on the weekends, and tea dates during the know, just to catch up on work...and Justin and I will meet for lunch on the weekdays, and try all the new places, and spontaneously go to the movies, or shows. We will also have 2 pets, a Great Dane named Hugh (short for Humongous) and a tiny black cat that will play with my pen as I draw.
If I got to write the next chapter for myself AND Tes AND Justin, that would be it. :)
Unfortunately, I have to share writing my own chapter with luck, the economy, and the job we will see.

Anyway, after really working on it, I am pleased to say, I am just below the skydiving weight (the day before we were supposed to go) and am back on track. Let's hope I keep it up!!!

ahhh, what a scary thing to post!
Happy Friday.

Speaking of happy Fridays, let me tell you how excited I am for lunch with Kara, Christian, and Marisa, then girls night tonight....ummm so excited.

Now, Happy Friday.

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