After a submit my latest job applications, I always consider my resume finally "done." However when the next application comes around and I pull out what I once considered a well polished document, all I see is some dingy sheet of paper that is far from finished. With that I do more research, read more opinions, and fill my page with more red ink until I once again feel like I simply could not create anything more all-encompassing, anything better. My resume is a finished document in constant need of revision.
Every time I need to rework my resume, I spend way more time than will ever actually matter, invest so much more than will ever be noticed.
I obsess over which format, subtle change, or bullet point will be "correct," which decision will finally take it to the next level.
I mean, there are plenty of wrong resumes, so there have to be right ones.
Think about it, when push comes to shove...there may actually be certain sublties that produce more job offers than others.
Maybe there is a standard preference, maybe it varies by industry, maybe it does not matter at all.
Should I list the city? months? What should be underlined, in italics, bolded, or ALL CAPS?
I don't think most people care this much. Every time I write a cover letter or update my resume, Google gets going to find the latest opinion about what is best.
Maybe it is Research Methods, and my education actually peeping through, but I am done with opinions. I want evidence. I want a book that says, "put the position before the company because it is shown that in general that style gets more job offers."
I tell people I love resumes and cover letters and job hunting, and job applications...I don't think they take me seriously.
Really. I do. I do in the I could read and read and learn and learn about them and never get bored or feel like I have a full grasp on the subject. That is what people feel when they are passionate about a subject right? (haha, My name is Janet Wood, and my passion is resumes.)
I think all the time that my heart is in Career Services, then I think that even if my heart is there, my head is not. My head tries so hard to be practical.
So there you have it, my resume rant.
Happy MLK Day. :)
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