Friday, September 7, 2012 an improv show

Tes and I found one of Atlanta's best kept secrets today! AND we got some quality best FRAND time. Which is always perfect.

We spent the day doing what we do best, getting awesome stuff and having awesome experiences for no money. See, first we went to Last Chance, our thrifting staple. She needed a pot for her plant, I needed a pair of black flats...

I suppose I should interject with why I need new shoes. Well, this morning I had a meeting with Barb Henry to figure out how to get in touch with some alumni who work in HR, because I am thinking that is what I want to go into. On the way there, the sole comes off my flats! I try to tape it, but the grass was wet and it was just not I needed to get some shoes. (side note, it was such a helpful meeting, as of right now, I am confident that once I graduate, I will be ok) :)

...anyway, so we go to Last Chance, neither of us get what we need, but I find the PERFECT professional black blazer. I have been looking for one FOREVER, a teddy bear just in case I get a little, and this huge stuffed pokemon that I got for Justin. (I know this paragraph serves no purpose other than to tell you what I got, but I love thirfting...and who knows, you may care)

So after that, some dinner, and Hillary time, we go to my place to figure out what we are doing for the night. After some googling, we settle on a comedy club only 4 miles away that is $5 for students.

It was hilarious. I really had such a good time, and they based the first half of the show off Tes' name! It was great. It was a small crowd and I really feel like we found one of Atlanta's secrets. We are totally taking over Ogle-family style one weekend.

Funny thing, I ordered a few drinks while we were there, and since Tes isn't 21 yet, she had to keep getting soda. They picked at her, and she even got a swirly straw. XD

It really was a good time.

On the way home we grabbed 2 coffees from Dunkin; to end the night.

A few things I have realized: I drink too much coffee...I am turning into my father in that regard. AND, I think I like 30 yr old fun the best. You know, when you don't go out partying, but see a show, or have a dinner, or have a few drinks. haha, at least all the things we have gone to that I really enjoyed seemed to have a lot of people who looked to be in their 30s.
ah whatever, this was supposed to be a more eloquent and well thought out post, but it is what it is...and for a day, it was pretty good.

Happy weekend.

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