Saturday, September 15, 2012 Midtown

Weekends are the best when they start on Thursday.

Really though. It all started with my email on Thursday. See, I sent my resume to a consulting firm that my boss in Career Services works for. It was to apply for an internship which would be mostly virtual...since I don't have a car, that is a super good thing.
Quote from my email: "We reviewed your resume and want to have a preliminary call with you to review the goals and objectives of what we are looking for in an internship.  Also we would like to hear from you regarding what you want out of this internship."

So...ahhh!! I don't know if it is an interview, I am excited/nervous. but I think that this could be good. :)

After my email, work, and class, Justin and I began a 6 hour road trip to Paris Island for his brother's graduation from the Marines. Honestly it was one of the most enjoyable car rides in a while. We talked about everything, sang all the songs, (I heard Justin's real singing voice for the first time is not too bad, and having him let me hear it made me so happy). Best part? no steering wheels were hurt in this car ride. :p It really was so fun.

Then, when we got there (about 12:30am) we go down to the beach behind the condo and Justin shows me that when you kick the water in the dark, it sparkles. It reminded me of the glow worms in James and the Giant peach. The beach at night is kind of peaceful, kind of scary. You cannot see where the beach ends and the water begins. AND there were so many stars. It was beautiful.

After the beach, we went to sleep for a few hours then woke up at 5:40AM to go to his brother's graduation.

On the way back to PTC, we stopped in Macon and got to see my family.
I had mixed feelings, but I was very happy to see them. I really do miss them so much.
It was kind of a sad trip though because I found out my dad's kidneys are messing up despite big changes in his diet. They told me that last time he was at the doctor it was only working at 19% and he goes back in a month to find out if he needs to go back on dialysis. Scary. So keep him in your thoughts.

I only got to see them for about 15 minutes, but I was glad to see them.

Today I went back to Atlanta and got to go on adventures with Hillary and Tes. We first went to the Art's Festival at Piedmont. I got an adorable magnet, and got to make a collage.

The magnet, the colors are really vibrant in real life. 

My collage...ballerina 


closeup - the tutu is pleated sheet music. 

GOD, I love ballerinas. 

Then we went to Taste of the Trucks. It was AWFUL. But the walk was wonderful. I love nothing more than walking city blocks and enjoying everything around me. The people are beautiful, the buildings are beautiful, I like the side walks, the apartment, I like imagining my life in these places, I like to just take in everything. I want to just explore all the best things.

I really want to live near a park. It is my favorite thing. In some cute, tiny, old apartment. The kind of apartment that looks out of place surrounded by sky scrapers but has a bit of grass, maybe a tree. A dark metal balcony. An apartment too small to really live in, but perfect because the city is actually your apartment, you just pay rent to a place to keep your pillow.
I think I fell in love with Atlanta a little today. I never expected I would. I never though I would see a part where I felt like it is what I want to make my future.
I dunno if I want to stay here. I have too much of the world to see, but it is my home now. I feel planted here. I finally am letting myself out of my little pot and take up root somewhere else. It is nice to feel secure enough again to let this city in. I have only been here 4 years. It is hard to replant when you see your home disintegrate. But for now, if only for a moment, I will let Atlanta have my heart.

Maybe it is my new Macon. When I leave, I will represent strong. Who knows?

Anyway, when we were walking, I told them about a conversation I had with Justin yesterday where we told each other about where we saw each others lives in 20 years.
Justin and Tes both said I would be super successful, very very busy...too busy, well off, and slightly obsessed with being successful/making money. That is what I want with my life. My two best friends see that for my future...I think they may be on to something.

I want to be a oober successful woman who wears suits, spends too much time on her smart phone and at work, but has made something of herself. Honstly, I just want to be mobile, have the skills and the money to never be stuck.

Tonight, we are going to the Basement Theatre again for improv.

This is my favorite kind of day, walking, exploring, being a city kid and feeling like I am going to be ok.

Happy days.

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