Thursday, April 5, 2012 onion.

This quote, this quote right here was my week:

What this means to me is that people should stop and realize that not everyone is like them. I do not mean this in the cheesy sense, but people need to realize that there is so much to other people that we simply do not know. The most limiting thing is that we do not know exactly how much, how substantial, or how important the things that we do not know are. Therefore we have to remember to filter our reactions because we do not know what might strike a nerve or bring up a memory. We have to be respectful. Not everyone will be drastically different, but chances are, someone will be drastically different, and we may not even know. I think more important than monitoring our actions and reactions because of our ignorance we should take this reality as an opportunity. Learn from the people whose crazy may be different than ours. Soak in their reality, their lives. I think the hardest thing for me is that, before we judge people for being ignorant to our crazy, we have to be willing to share it, brave enough to let people know how we are different and accept the fact that as much as we don't know about others, they do not know an equal amount about us. :)

Vague I know, but this was my week.

Full of people who care about me and my family immensely.

Sometimes I feel like I have on a disguise. Slowly people, the outside world, are peeling away pieces and figuring out who I am.
I am an onion.

I felt like a lot of things this week: mammoth, duck, onion. None of which actually describe what I am feeling yet still serve as the perfect descriptions for my state of being. Kind of like being a noodle I guess.

Anyway, enough incoherent rambling for one night. I apologize that this post made absolutely no sense, but I think it is the best way to explain things.

Happy weekend. 

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