Saturday, July 14, 2012

...getting coffee

I can't sleep in past 10:30 anymore. Today I woke up at about 10, and stayed in bed for half an hour before waking up. I really love waking up early. 
Ok, that is not entirely true. I love the idea of waking up early, I love how much I get done by waking up early, and I love idea of sitting in a room with a big window drinking coffee, or orange juice, or something. 
It just never happens. Normally I wake up and go to work, not much time enjoying the big window in my common room.

Saturdays are my day off. (I am working working 40 hours a week now between my jobs. Big girl over here!) So today, I get to get things done. Marisa spent the night last night and we woke up and went for coffee and shared our lives. Honestly, I wish we could have sat at that table forever. 

Summer moments are perfect. 

I have learned a few things about the summer though. I go out to eat too much, and I spend too much money. 
I think I need to come up with a strategy to remedy this. I think only carrying cash would be a good place to start. If only getting to the bank was easier. 

Since this is my free day, I think I will make it productive. Lots of laundry and cleaning to be done. 

For now, happy days off. :) 

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