Monday, December 17, 2012


Tomorrow at midnight. Finals will be done, my family will be gone, people will be leaving campus and I will be here alone with very little to do.

I am still deciding if that is a glorious and wonderful thing, or not.

Right now, I have too much to do. I am exhausted.
I have to write about 1 page of extra credit...and I need to stay up and study. Maybe it is senioritis, maybe it is the realization that I love working and am a little over school, or maybe I am just getting older...but I don't have the stamina for all nighters anymore, not homework all nighters at least.

I fell asleep during my Core 202 final 2 years ago. I guess I don't want that to happen again.
1:30. I HAVE to be asleep by 1:30.

So today was the last day that my parents were here.
I took them to Last Chance shopping, we came out with quite a haul and I am excited to wear some of my new outfits. We also had my mommy's spaghetti for dinner to night at Justin's.
It was fantastic. And my mommy still makes the best spaghetti.

My mom also got me J.K. Rowling's new book for Christmas. Once I get through finals, I get to start it. :)

I am sorry, my brain is a little all over the place and trying to ramble about everything possible other than my extra credit project for management.

Oh, I know something worth while to ramble job interview. I had that this morning.
(Big thanks to Justin and Viggy for wishing me luck this morning. :) Aren't they fanastic?)
I think the interview went well, but I don't know if the company is a good fit for me. Honestly, I never thought I would say this, but if they offered me a job...I would turn it down. I would take the opportunity to find the perfect fit over the security. It is only December, right? I have the time and flexibility to do that?

Anyway, I have talked about nearly nothing long enough...and before my eyes get too heavy, I need to write up this extra credit and go to bed.

For now, some pictures to make my blog beautiful:

I think I love ballerina's more than I should. 


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