Saturday, December 15, 2012

...watching more.

I am not meant to follow tv shows.
I just finished watching the last season of Medium.
Charlotte and I used to watch that show together, regardless of other people's opinion, I love it.

But seriously. Of course I cried.
(Side note: I was not a huge fan of how it all ended, but the beginning of the last episode really got me...)
Anyway, now I feel uncomfortable, have a knot in my stomach, and a little at a loss at what to do.
I feel this way when I finish a book series I am really wrapped up in.
I cried in Justin's car on the way to the last Harry Potter movie.

This is my life you guys.
I think that is why I don't follow tv series, or read a lot of extended books. Too many emotions. Really though.

It is like a less intense version of how I feel when I think of never seeing someone I know again. It is not as bad, because, I don't actually know these people...but in someways it is worse, because I can't just check in on them on Facebook, AND I know these people are not real, so their lives are not just going on somewhere else...their existence ended with those closing credits.

My brain has all the thoughts and all the feelings about this.
haha. Do other people have this experience? Or am I just easily attached?
For Christ's sake, I cried when Dill got lost in the Rugrats Movie.
Maybe it is just me. haha.

Now I feel all strange.
And people don't look too kindly on you calling them at 2:30 in the morning to tell them that you now have a hole in your heart and your thoughts are all over the place and you feel a little at a loss as to what to do. Haha, I think if I called and told Justin or Tes I needed them to console me over a TV show, they would tease me about it forever.

Anyway, in other more relevant news...MY FAMILY IS COMING TOMORROW!!! :)

I am so excited. I regret not getting more done on my final though, because it means I have that to deal with, in addition to my interview while they are here.

It will all get done though.
In the mean time, tomorrow is Christmas, and tomorrow I get my mom's spaghetti, and really, it does not get much better than my mommy's spaghetti. :)

Happy Christmas Eve.

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